Mia Le Journal


MAXXI museum

Let’s keep talking about Italian fashion at Rome’s Maxxi in occasion of “Bellissima…”

exhibition with the series of conferences “Le storie della moda”. On Januray 17th 2015 the

conference was about “Gli anni 50: dalla Hollywood sul Tevere alla Sala Bianca” edited by

Sofia Gnoli, fashion historian, Italian journalist and professor at “La Sapienza”, “IED” and the

Accademia di Costume e moda in Rome. A journey between wonderful princesses and corolla

dresses was the mood of the morning, surrounded by the recollection of the first Italian

fashion designer exporters: the Fontana sisters, Schuberth, Fernanda Gattinoni, Simonetta

Caracciolo e Roberto Capucci. From Audrey Hepburn to Linda Christian, the first postwar

period has given birth to the “Hollywood sul Tevere”. In the 50’s, thanks to Giovanni Battista

Giorgini’s famous fashion shows at Florence’s Palazzo Pitti, the Italian stylist started to be

internationally recognized. For the first time Italy was admired by international buyers and,

as Irene Brin wrote, «they preferred Italy to France».

Carla Restaino




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