Mia Le Journal Spring Summer 2017 – Sport Issue V
Sport, in all its variations of emotion and clothing and examined through a profound analysis of its sense of belonging in every social context, from gym to open air, from past to present; private yet infinite and susceptible to endless mood swings.
This is the central theme of issue number 6 of Mia Le Journal fashion and lifestyle
magazine, where on this occasion the choice of intimist cover takes a justified risk and a new direction: a group of 4 women, all different in age and lifestyle but brought together by a down-to- earth sense of their lives and their fitness. Indeed, millennial Melusine Ruspoli seems to take Marta Gastini‘s hand in an unfazed dialogue with 3 new faces in the world of modelling.
Sport as in sporty, then, understood as a revisit to one of the world’s most ancient activities, today no longer relegated to leisure time but truly the ethic and the aesthetic of a collective unconscious in fashion that sees the word sporty inextricably linked to a style that’s predominantly sartorial, and hence undeniably emotional.
A style made astonishing and remarkable by the presence of the concept itself in every part of the magazine, which once again sees a topic spread from fashion to art, passing subtly by the quest for that perfect mood which murmurs to illustration; to conclude, as ever, in an series of editorial shoots skilfully rendered “artwork” by
editor-in- chief Federica Trotta Mureau, by Elisabetta Cavatorta, Marzia Fossati and Valeria Marchetti, with photography by Federica’s husband and business partner, acknowledged “image hunter par excellence” Danilo Falà, along with Roberta Krasnig, Sven Bänziger, Stefania Paparelli and Giorgio Codazzi.
It’s a true point in favour of the aesthetic of Mia Le Journal, whose contributors have the ability to examine the social context with a critical eye, yet without ever losing sight of what must directly touch the heart of the final audience.
Sport, where the wearability of the message seems to be made bold and incredible by the very division of the word itself, whose initial “s” is a nod to the most sublime onomatopoeia of awareness that only a perceptive publication can achieve.
Available in March 2017, Mia Le Journal will once more reach an international readership, thanks to an utterly outstanding distribution system.