Mia Le Journal

Danilo Falà


  Online  Mia Le Journal exclusive has been produced by  Photography  Donatella Liguori  Realization  Annalaura Cannavò                                             Model  Martina Troni @Milan […]


IN-EXISTENT Curated by Clara Tosi Pamphili and Alessio de’ Navasques  Photographer  Andrea Buccella  Two symbolic places in Rome, formerly part of the same settlement, now separated as a result of urban development: Villa Poniatowski restored in the 18th century by Valadier […]

Ludovica Amati

EHAD SS 2015  Photographer  Andrea Buccella   Natural and impalpable fabrics, but also structured jackets where the linings have always the prints with sacred letters inspirated to the absolute kabbalist geometry. The sign and the decoration of the embroidery comes out […]


SILVERA Profumi D’Autore  With Hearts and Stones the Roman Boutique Silvera celebrates the Australian artistic perfumery and promotes the Italian talents hosting during AltaRoma the jewellery brand MIND in its space in Via di Ripetta 122, Rome.     A premiere […]


Cruelty and Splendour Preview F/W 2015-2016 Collection Photographer  Sara Lecci     The haute couture brand Greta Boldiniborns in Rome in November 2011 from the union of two young designers’ professional background: Alexander Flagella and MichelaMusco. A project that takes […]


“PAMELA” Haute Couture S/S 2015 Sound LUCE 90    Dedicated to Pamela Des Barres, the first legendary groupie who became famous in  the 70’s for being both Mick Jagger and Jimmy Page’s lover, but also for creating the  brand Groupie […]


PRESENTS ALCHIMIE B&W S/S 2015 Superology     The Roman Concept Store èStile promotes fashion passing through art with Alchemy in Black and White, a special event set up for AltaRoma. With a performance its space is transformed in a […]

Women Dolls

Mia Le Journal presents Five Limited Edition Art Works Photo by Angelo Cricchi, Danilo Falà & Roberta Krasnig revisited by Federica Trotta Room Service – GRAND HOTEL FLORA – Via Veneto 191, Rome Saturday 31 January & Sunday 1 february from […]


MAXXI museum Let’s keep talking about Italian fashion at Rome’s Maxxi in occasion of “Bellissima…” exhibition with the series of conferences “Le storie della moda”. On Januray 17th 2015 the conference was about “Gli anni 50: dalla Hollywood sul Tevere […]