Mia Le Journal

Federica Trotta


Photographer Roberta Krasnig Rome – Milan by train, sounds, smells, book to read, work on computers, different colors, music in the headphones. Then watch out … And stay still, a few centimeters from the window, to get lost among the things […]

CODALUNGA meets Sky Arte

   From 11/15 to 12/8 the innovative television channel and the artist Nico Vascellari’s Factory co-produce a series of 22 events hosted in the “Sala delle Armi” (ex Aula Bunker) in Rome. December 7 soirée is dedicated to the fashion […]

“COMPENDIUM” Voodoo Jewels

Retourn of the nature Livia Lazzari Voodoo Jewels   The evocative location of the Roman Philharmonic Academy hosted, Compendium, the exposure of the jewels of voodoo Livia Lazzari, young designers, with a strong androgynous style that is also evident in […]


  Fashion Editor FEDERICA TROTTA Photographer DANILO FALÀ Make Up & Hair FRANCESCA PETRANGELI Assistants CHIARA VALVO & ALESSIA BARILLÀThanks to Federica Miraglia       TOI et MOI jewelry         Along with the manual drawings, constantly […]


Photographer DANILO FALÀ Creative Coordinator FEDERICA TROTTA Illustrations ERIKA ANGELIS Jewelry IOSSELLIANI Une pièce imaginée, jamais vue, c’est le bijou unique. C’est la pièce accessoire, qui rend la femme éblouissante, la perfectionne et met à l’honneur son apparence féminine. Pour […]


  Photographer ANTONIO CAMA         “Like a night bird, with a cry I would take flight at sunset, and gliding down through trees and buildings I’d crouch on the balcony opposite your window to observe you.” Antonio […]


Photographer NICOL VIZIOLI Featuring TZULES SUNUN & MARYLIZ Costumes NAZ (TZARKUSI)   An ancient Mayan ritual, a cleansing of the soul, a one to one experience with Mother Nature. This is what Italian photographer Nicol Vizioli captured on the 7th. […]


ITALO MARSEGLIA FW 2014/15 Photographers DANILO FALÀ & ROBERTA KRASNIG Fashion Editor FEDERICA TROTTA Make Up MARIA CAGGIANO Model CARLOTTA Assistant NOEMI VILLANI Art Work STEFANO FEPA Video Producer ROSSANO GIUPPA Aequilibrium is a project that was born thanks to photographers […]